The Divine Power of Sisterhood

Lately life has been rough, the kind of rough that makes you question your very existence and purpose. I can’t quite get into the details of every single thing weighing on my heart and mind, but I can say that being the nurturer, caretaker, and healer for others can just drain you like a tub. Sometimes you can scream to the top of your lungs “ I AM NOT OKAY!” and everyone around you will respond enthusiastically “Girl, stop tripping, you’ll be fine!”. Sometimes even the helpful advice can feel like just heavier tasks added to your to-do list. 

I was deep in that feeling I described recently and I decided to just ruminate in it until things got better. My high school best friend planned to meet up with me a few days ago and discuss possible business collaborations. She changed the time, experienced car trouble, but was still determined to show up for me. In full transparency I was in the bed drifting in and out of a heavy consciousness while all of this was going on but I knew that I needed to reconnect with my friend. 

Hours after our scheduled meeting, we met in Panera Bread and I was able to experience sisterhood in a way that my soul was starving for. My friend spoke to me softly, calmly and listened to everything I told her with patience and without judgment. She validated everything I was going through and reassured me that she is committed to helping me further my mission of creating healing spaces for Black Women. 

Before we got into the heavy stuff, a beautiful Black girl and her mother noticed us nearby. The little girl peaked over and waved to us warmly as she smiled enthusiastically. Her mother left her briefly to pick up their order and baby girl, at the big age of 3 years old, saw this as her opportunity to walk over to us and tell us about herself! I was excited to speak with the little one and engage her in conversation until her mother returned. When she saw her mother walking back  she quickly ran back to her booth and waved “goodbye” to us. The significant piece of this story is that when baby girl got up to leave she ran over to me, climbed up into the booth and gave me the BIGGEST hug and kiss out of nowhere! I barely held back the tears until she could grab her mother’s hand and run out the door!

That baby girl saw me in that moment. She saw that I needed love and she provided that for me in that moment. She was a conduit of spirit at 3 years old and she was an instrumental part of my healing that day along with my childhood friend. They formed a perfect circle around me that affirmed that I need to continue to fight and that I am not alone, even in my most lonesome moments.

Before my friend randomly showed up at my door a few weeks ago, I had repressed a lot of my high school memories. Her presence reminded me of just how significant she was in my adolescent experience. She encouraged me to be seen and guided me onto the varsity cheerleading squad…although I had no athletic ability nor dance coordination. She protected my name when frenemies gossiped and spoke negatively about me. She even talked me through the scary roller coasters at Dorney Park! She was always one of those people whose love for me never waned…it just sort of drifted to a distance, and that was always okay. 

She’s back now and she’s right on time. Spirit sent my sister to my side right when the void called out to her. She’s deep into her spiritual journey just like me and she’s ready to talk Tarot, Astrology, and all the things that tie us to our African Ancestry. Although she was a beautiful sisterfriend at a time when I didn’t know what sisterhood meant, I plan to move with intention and spend the rest of my time with her valuing and appreciating every ounce of who she is and who she is growing to be. 

Our relationship with our sisterfriends can stretch us at times, but if you can navigate the tough times and identify the women in this realm that truly love you and see you, they’ll continue to lift you up in your darkest moments. The Divine Feminine is always at work and she manifests in friends from 20 years ago as well as babies that see the light in you when you don’t see it in yourself! 

And that, my beloved, is the value of sisterhood. 


What’s Holding You Back From Your Dreams?


Hey Black Child…