10 Things About Mir


 I figured a good place to start is to explain a little bit more about who I am. If we’re gonna talk about wellness you get a feel about where I’m at in my journey. I broke down 10 things that kind of give you an idea of what make me “Mir”. After you read mine, I encourage you to write ten things of your own!

1).  I love the color Purple. 

Anyone that knows me knows that the color purple is my entire life! Seeing that color lightens my mood and reminds me of who I am! The color purple symbolizes royalty, divinity, power, magic, wisdom, peace, devotion, and spiritualism. All the things that Black women embody! 

  I think back to reading Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”as a reference. One poignant text from the book refers to the color purple as a blessing from God. It even went on to say it “upsets God” when you don’t stop to notice the color. I believe that describes Black women accurately; We are meant to be revered and admired but are instead often overlooked by the masses. Centering the color purple in all of my work reminds me of the importance of creating these spaces that center Black women.

2). Family Is Everything to Me.

Although I am my mother’s only child I come from an extremely large family. I have over 200 relatives on both sides of my family and I’ve been able to trace my family history well back in the early 1700’s. My father’s side of the family has celebrated an annual reunion for over 107 years. My mother is one of nine siblings and always makes an effort to stay connected with her family periodically. The hardest part of this pandemic is missing the hugs and love from my cousins and loved ones. For my Astrology lovers, Im a 4th house sun so Family is where everything starts for me!

3). I love people on a constant. No matter if we part ways or stay in contact I still hold love for them and speak about them in a loving way. 

There are a number of friendships and relationships that have dissolved throughout my life. Although it’s been painful and challenging to remain open to new people, the thing that has helped me heal the most is holding on to the good things that happened between us. It helps me understand that even though negative things happened, we’re both so much bigger than the bullshit. They aren’t a bad person because they hurt me and I’m not a horrible person because I hurt them. Of course this doesn’t happen overnight but that’s a whole different blog post!!

4).  Being an only child left me in my head a lot growing up

I’m still processing how the mass amounts of alone time affect my day to day life. I remember spending a lot of time reading, crafting weird things, and role playing with the little figurines that used to come in the happy meals. I feel like I was real child of the 90’s. I consider myself EXTREMELY social but I value my alone time. I spend a lot of time trying to balance spending time alone verses joining the outside world. 

5.) I’m alway coming up with new ideas and perspectives

I am a true Gemini sun! Sometimes it feels like my mind is always going with no stops or breaks. It is only through therapy, yoga and meditation that I’ve learned how to slow my thoughts down and breathe. Slowing down my thoughts is definitely going to be a life long practice for me! In addition to having a way with words, I get excited about trying new things and making thoughts into movement. I’m a dreamer with a passion that allows me to put ideas into concrete actions!

6.) I’m open to changing my mind.

  Show me a new perspective and a logical reason and I can be persuaded to change my mind. Im always open to new ideas and a new way of doing things.

7.) I love Nature!

My favorite afternoons are spent hiking with friends or alone. There’s just something about being amongst the trees in nature that I find so soothing and grounding. Most of my retreats will involve being amongst nature at some point. I want my guests to experience that same calming feeling I get from being outdoors.

8.) Im always changing and evolving

I can honestly say that I am person that’s constantly shifting my interests and hobbies. I love learning and trying new things so I find that my perspectives evolve with new experiences. Although I will be the first to admit that I make a decent amount of mistakes, time is teaching me to take the lessons in stride.

9.) I love moments

Memories of amazing experiences are priceless to me! Working on mindfulness has helped me acknowledge the golden moments in my life. Appreciating these moments help me to keep moving on the days that aren’t so bright. 

10.) I am walking in my divine purpose!

This is a big one for me and I’m not sure I can describe this simply. I have frequent moments that I feel that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and doing what I love! When I’m planning and hosting these retreat spaces I envision exactly what I want to happen and then I make it a reality. Seeing my dreams manifest in a way that benefits Black Women reminds me that I am walking in my purpose and sharing my gifts in a way that honors my Ancestors.


Headed Back to Martha’s Vineyard